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How to Clean a Moka Pot (Easiest Method!)

dirty moka pot

如果您想始终如一的咖啡,请保持咖啡设备清洁至关重要,无论您使用的酝酿方法如何。但是,如果你使用Moka Pok,请保持吱吱作用的清洁是更重要的,因为肮脏的Moka Pot是一个滴答时间炸弹 - 字面意思。由于Moka Pots在其底部腔室中创造了一个高压环境,因此您需要确保保持安全释放阀,不含垃圾和污垢,以避免危险和凌乱的爆炸。

在本文中,我们将教您如何确保Moka Pok锅的安全和质量快速而简单的Moka Pot清洁方案。几分钟的工作可以让您的咖啡可口和您的厨房无爆炸。



Moka pots brew coffeeby forcing water through finely-ground beans, much like espresso makers. When the water in a Moka pot boils, steam starts to fill the bottom chamber, increasing the pressure. Once the pressure is high enough, water starts to pass through the coffee grounds, extracting flavor as it goes.

Whenever pressure builds up, the possibility of an explosion exists. Moka pots alleviate this concern by including a safety valve on the pressurizing chamber so that steam can escape if the pressure gets too high. Most of the time, this works like a charm, and you don’t have to worry about accidentally creating a coffee bomb on your stovetop. However, if you don’t clean your Moka pot thoroughly, the safety valve can clog, and the chances of an explosion increase.

a dirty moka pot
形象信誉it: Alexandre Enkerli, Flickr


您的Moka Pot上的安全阀可以堵塞两种主要方式。第一个和最明显的方式是来自咖啡残留和旧地。Moka Pots使用fine coffee groundsthat can easily get lodged in the safety valve. If enough grounds get stuck in the valve, it can become entirely blocked.

Mineral deposits can also block the safety valve if you don’t定期descale.你的moka pot。有些地区有什么所谓的“硬水”,水浓度较高的钙和镁比正常水。如果您注意到您的水槽和浴缸在排水沟周围建立白残留物,那么您居住在硬水中的区域。白色残留物大多是钙,在水排出并蒸发后,在水面后留下并紧贴表面。

Hard water can be a nuisance, but it is easy to deal with calcium build up using only common household ingredients. First, we’ll give you a simple everyday cleaning process to follow before discussing how to remove calcium deposits by descaling your Moka pot.



Let’s begin by discussing a brief routine that you should perform every time you use your Moka pot. Taking these few small steps after each use will help keep your Moka pot clean and safe to use, and they don’t take a lot of time or effort.

Start by thoroughly rinsing your Moka pot after it has cooled off and is safe to handle. Pay special attention to the filter basket since grounds can easily get stuck in the holes. A quick visual inspection is enough to ensure there are no stragglers left in the bottom chamber or lodged in the safety valve.

不幸的是,大多数Moka盆是铝,因此易于生锈。确保在重新组装并将其放弃之前完全干燥Moka Pot的所有部分。许多Moka盆也有一个薄薄的涂层,可以防止咖啡品尝金属,这意味着你不应该把它放在洗碗机里。您也不应该用柔软的海绵或刷子以外的任何东西擦洗Moka Pot。否则,您的风险将随着时间的推移除去保护涂层。

Taking the few minutes necessary to rinse and dry your Moka pot after every use is a great way to make sure your Moka pot stays safe to use and continues to make tasty coffee.

Clean moka pot

How To Descale Your Moka Pot

Regularly cleaning your Moka pot is important, but so is occasionally descaling it, especially if you live in an area with hard water. Thankfully, you don’t have to descale very often; every few months is usually enough.


What You'll Need
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 关于3 hours (don’t worry, you only need to be actively involved for about 10 minutes)
Moka Pots
图像信用:ashkan forouzani,insplash

1.Fill the bottom chamber with water.

将水加入您的Moka Pot的酿造室,直至其几乎完全填充。留下足够的空间来加入1汤匙醋和lemon juice.


Add both ingredients to the water and give the mixture a quick stir.

3.Let it sit for about 3 hours.

Let the water-acid mixture soak for at least two hours. After four hours, you get diminishing returns. Three hours is the sweet spot.

4.Dump some liquid out.

After three hours, dump out enough mixture so that the safety valve is above the waterline.


Attach the brew chamber to the top of the Moka pot and put it on the stove. Run a brew cycle as if you were making a cup of coffee.


在酿造循环饰面和Moka Pot凉爽到触摸之后,让一切漂亮冲洗。我们喜欢只用水运行一些酿造的周期,以消除任何残留的醋和柠檬汁口味。



Moka pots make delicious, strong coffee thanks to the high-pressure brewing approach. Most of the time, Moka pots are perfectly safe, but if you neglect yours and don’t clean and descale it regularly, you could wind up with a dangerously over-pressurized stovetop bomb. Luckily, cleaning and descaling your Moka pot is easy and doesn’t take much time.

We hope you found this guide helpful! If you follow these simple tips, you don’t have to worry about coffee explosions and can enjoy your Moka pot coffee in peace.




肖恩对咖啡的痴迷开始,当时十年前,当他收到他的第一个法国媒体时,他就开始了。从那以后,他对咖啡的热爱 - 以及他拥有的咖啡小工具的数量 - 已经增长了很大。科学家通过训练,没有石头,他在永无止境的乐食中留下了遗憾的完美咖啡。他花了很多时间调整他的倒入技术,思考如何最好地比较磨砺的质量,担心尼加拉瓜或肯尼亚豆类是否会使最佳的冷啤酒。这几天他有利于Hario V60,并在享受杯子准备的杯子之前,每天开始每天磨练喝咖啡。


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